Laos newspapers

Laos newspapers

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The battery of Southeast Asia?

Focus on the latest media coverage of development stories from Laos moves to energy production, more specifically hydropower, which is seen as key to the progress of the country. Both the Vientiane Times and KPL News ran the story of the official inauguration of the hydropower plant on Friday 10th December. The Nam Theun 2 hydropower plant was part financed by the World Bank (WB) and Asian Development Bank (ADB).
On Monday 13th December the Nam Theun 2 story led to a rare appearance for Laos on BBC World. The report looked at the resettlement of villagers and the often discussed issues of the benefits from the revenue, 95 percent of the energy will be sold to Thailand, compared to the social and environmental impact. 
ADB President Haruhiko Kuroda was quoted as saying that, “the importance of Nam Theun 2 to the Lao economy cannot be overemphasized as it will reduce the country’s dependence on international aid, improve living standards, and contribute to deeper regional integration.”
WB Managing Director, Ms Sri Mulyani Indrawati, was also in the country, “large industrial projects can contribute to socially and environmentally sustainable development, and the private and public sectors can work together to reduce poverty and support environmental protection.”
Nam Theun 2 is seen as the model hydropower plant, particularly in its efforts to reduce the environmental and social impact. It will generate massive resources, how they are spent will be a defining factor in its contribution to development.
Some money is already being filtered back into the infrastructure, health and education sectors. I spent a day filming with villagers in southern Laos who lived alongside newly built roads funded by revenue from the hydropower plant. These new roads undoubtedly made their life easier in accessing markets and health clinics. But the real longer-term benefits are to be seen.

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